Monthly Archives: May 2022

Why You Should Report Every Car Crash To Police
After a car accident, there are many things you should do. One of the most important steps to take is to call the police and make sure a police report is filed. People sometimes fail to call the police for a number of different reasons. In some instances, people are simply not aware of… Read More »

How Will Failing To Wear A Motorcycle Helmet Affect Your Accident Claim?
Georgia has had a universal motorcycle helmet law on the books since 1969. The law is meant to protect all motorcycle operators and passengers by requiring them to wear a helmet any time they are on a motorcycle. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents still happen and when they do, bikers sustain injuries that are often catastrophic…. Read More »

Four Common Defenses In Truck Accident Cases
If you have been hurt in a truck accident, you are likely trying to determine the best path for moving forward. This is not an easy thing to do as you try to recover from the severe physical and emotional pain and suffering a truck accident will cause. Fortunately, the law provides a way… Read More »

Five Steps To Take After A Motorcycle Accident
With gorgeous weather all year round and great scenery, Marietta is a great city to ride around on a motorcycle. Traffic accidents involving motorcycles, though, are some of the most dangerous. The aftermath of these crashes is also very difficult, as insurance companies, judges, and juries often hold biases against bikers. If you have… Read More »