Category Archives: Foreclosure Defense

Using the Banks’ Argument Against Them
Even today, our legal system is still dealing with foreclosure cases that arose out of the foreclosures crisis that began in the late 2000s. At that time, Desperate homeowners filed wrongful foreclosure actions against their lenders, often attempting to challenge the assignment of the Security Deed or other mortgage documents. For the most part,… Read More »

You Don’t Have to File for Bankruptcy to Stop Foreclosure
Many clients have come to our firm over the years for advice on trying to stop a foreclosure sale on their home or property. Before speaking with us, most did not know that there were ways to stop a foreclosure. When a persona in this situation researched options online, they are bombarded with bankruptcy… Read More »

What Are the Steps of the Foreclosure Process in Georgia
Missed Mortgage Payment The foreclosure process is triggered by the borrower (homeowner) missing a mortgage payment. Usually, the borrower missed the payment because they are facing extraordinary financial difficulties. Because if these financial difficulties, the first missed payment is then followed by several more missed monthly mortgage payments. Default/Acceleration Notice After a borrower has… Read More »

Marietta Foreclosure Attorney
At The Strickland Firm, our Georgia foreclosure lawyer provides reliable and results-driven legal representation to clients. We help homeowners fight unfair foreclosures and we represent them in all other disputes with their mortgage lender. If you or your loved one is facing foreclosure, our legal team can help. To set up a free, no… Read More »