Category Archives: Motorcycle Accidents

Is Lane Splitting Legal In Marietta?
The beautiful weather in Marietta makes it possible to get just about anywhere on a motorcycle, at just about any time of year. Bikers who encounter congested streets and heavy traffic may try to ride the center line, between two lanes of traffic. This is a practice known as lane splitting. Some advocates argue… Read More »

How Will Failing To Wear A Motorcycle Helmet Affect Your Accident Claim?
Georgia has had a universal motorcycle helmet law on the books since 1969. The law is meant to protect all motorcycle operators and passengers by requiring them to wear a helmet any time they are on a motorcycle. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents still happen and when they do, bikers sustain injuries that are often catastrophic…. Read More »

Five Steps To Take After A Motorcycle Accident
With gorgeous weather all year round and great scenery, Marietta is a great city to ride around on a motorcycle. Traffic accidents involving motorcycles, though, are some of the most dangerous. The aftermath of these crashes is also very difficult, as insurance companies, judges, and juries often hold biases against bikers. If you have… Read More »

Four Tips For Avoiding A Motorcycle Accident
Most drivers in Marietta take great care to keep everyone around them safe while they are driving on the roads. Sometimes though, inexperience or negligence can cause a driver to hit a motorcycle. This is often a tragic situation. Motorcyclists have very little protection when they are on their bike. What may be considered… Read More »

How Motorcycle Damages Can Be Impacted by Comparative Fault
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident and you believe the driver of an automobile was at fault, it can be devastating to learn that the at-fault driver is trying to argue that your damages award should be reduced or barred due to comparative fault. However, comparative fault is a relatively common defense… Read More »

Tips for Preventing Motorcycle Crashes
Motorcycling can be an exciting pastime and an easy mode of transportation in Georgia, yet bikes place riders at increased risk of serious injuries in a motorcycle collision when compared with motor vehicle occupants. As the Insurance Information Institute (III) underscores, motorcyclists are much less protected in a collision than a driver or passenger… Read More »

Who is Liable for Some of the Most Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents?
Motorcycle accidents can happen for many different reasons, and different parties may be at fault. In some cases, motorcyclists bear some or all responsibility for the crash, but more often another motorist is responsible for the collision. Much too frequently, car or truck drivers fail to check their blind spots and change lanes into… Read More »