MADD Georgia Receives Grant to Reduce Drunk Driving Accidents

Drunk driving accidents, or crashes caused by intoxicated driving in Georgia, often result in severe and life-threatening injuries. According to the Georgia Department of Driver Services, drunk driving crashes happen much more frequently than they should and much more often than you might think. In 2019, there were nearly 3,000 administrative license suspensions due to driving under the influence (DUI), and a total of 19,208 DUI convictions. The overall number of drunk driving cases in 2019 was actually low compared to recent years, with a total of nearly 22,000 DUI convictions in 2018 and nearly 23,000 DUI convictions in 2017. Given the high number of DUI cases and crashes every year, it is more important than ever to take steps to reduce the rate of intoxicated driving wrecks.
According to a recent article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the Georgia affiliate of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) recently receive a grant of over $156,000 from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) to “offer educational programs for prevention and awareness of impaired driving and underage drinking.”
DUI Initiatives Need to Include Community Members
The number of drunk driving accidents in Georgia underscores the need for community members and partners to begin working together to reduce the number of intoxicated driving crashes in the state. The plan for the MADD funding is to develop “DUI prevention initiatives for law enforcement, military, educational, and community groups.” In addition, MADD plans to use the funding to support broader DUI and DWI prevention campaigns in Georgia and across the country, such as “Hands Across the Border” and “Click It or Ticket.”
According to Allen Poole, who currently serves as the Director of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, “the loss of one life on our roads is one too many, and the fact almost all fatal traffic crashes can be prevented is one reason why we are awarding this grant.” Poole emphasizes that “the target of zero traffic deaths in our nation is achievable, and we will continue to help develop and implement educational messages, enforcement campaigns, and other safety initiatives aimed at bringing us one step closer to our goal.” The MADD grant funding will be disbursed in 2021.
What Should I Do After a Drunk Driving Accident?
If you were recently injured in an intoxicated driving collision, you should take the following steps:
- Gather as much evidence as you can at the scene of the accident, including pictures and witness information;
- See a healthcare provider as quickly as possible;
- Report the accident to your insurance company;
- Begin working with an attorney to file your insurance claim; and
- Discuss the possibility of filing a car accident lawsuit against the drunk driver with your Georgia car accident lawyer.
Contact a Georgia Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer for Assistance
If you or someone you loved was injured in an intoxicated driving collision, it is critical to seek advice from a Marietta drunk driving accident lawyer as soon as you can. Contact The Strickland Firm to learn more about how we can help you to seek the financial compensation you deserve.