Tips for Safe Driving During the Holidays

The upcoming holiday season, from Thanksgiving through the New Year, is one of the busiest times on the road for many individuals and families alike. When there are more vehicles on the road, there is a greater chance of serious and fatal traffic collisions. Indeed, according to the National Safety Council (NSC), the Thanksgiving holiday is one of the deadliest of the year in terms of auto accidents. It is a particularly dangerous holiday to be on the road because most people choose to travel by car—which likely will increase this year due to the risks of public transit during the COVID-19 pandemic—and many people consume alcohol during their time off from work. To be sure, the night before Thanksgiving is often one of the most dangerous nights for drunk driving accidents.
On average, more than 400 people die every year in Thanksgiving-related travel accidents on the roadways, and hundreds are killed in car accidents that occur through Christmas and the New Year. If you are traveling by yourself or with your family this holiday season and you are going by car, it is critical to take steps to stay safe. The following are tips from the NSC for safe driving during the holidays.
Get Your Car Serviced Ahead of the Trip
Whether you are remaining in Georgia or are planning to travel out of state by car for the holidays, you should have your car serviced ahead of time. If necessary, you should also get your vehicle prepped for winter. Even if you are staying in Georgia, there is always a risk of sleet and slick roads. And if you are traveling north, you should consider snow tires, anti-freeze, and other elements that can help your vehicle to avoid a collision in wintry weather. You should also be sure to have an emergency preparedness kit in your vehicle in the event of a breakdown or an emergency.
Get Enough Sleep Prior to Getting on the Road
Drowsy driving can be common during the holidays, especially if you are traveling a great distance. By getting enough sleep the night before you travel, you can help to avoid a drowsy or fatigued driving crash.
Avoid Distracted Driving
Distracted driving can be dangerous at any time of the year, but it can be particularly deadly when there are more vehicles on the road. Keep your smart phone out of sight while you are traveling for the holidays, and avoid other distractions that could lead to a car accident.
Identify a Designated Driver to Transport Guests
Make sure to have a designated driver if you are going to consume alcohol, and make sure there is a designated driver for any imbibing guests at your home.
Contact a Georgia Car Accident Lawyer
Traveling during the holidays can be risky, but it is likely one of the safest ways to travel during a pandemic given public health concerns. If you must drive, do what you can to stay safe. If another driver does cause an accident in which you or someone you love gets hurt, a Marietta car accident lawyer can assist you. Contact The Strickland Firm to learn more about how we can help.