Top Things to Know About Drowsy Driving Accidents

Car accidents can happen for many different reasons. In a lot of cases, driver error is to blame. While motor vehicle collisions can certainly occur for reasons that are beyond the control of motorists, a majority of crashes result from another driver’s negligence. While we do not often think about the risks of drowsy or fatigued driving, getting behind the wheel when you have not had enough sleep or are too tired to focus on the road can result in a drowsy driving crash.
If another driver was fatigued and caused a collision in which you suffered injuries, it is extremely important to get in touch with an experienced Marietta car accident lawyer to learn more about your options for seeking compensation. In the meantime, we want to tell you more about drowsy driving accidents. The following are some of the top things to know about fatigued driving collisions in Georgia.
- Hundreds of Thousands of Drowsy Driving Crashes Occur Every Year
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), about 100,000 drowsy driving collisions are reported by law enforcement officials, but the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety believes that the rate of drowsy driving collisions is actually much higher. On average, annually, AAA predicts that more than 300,000 fatigued driving collisions occur and that more than 100,000 people suffer injuries.
- Drowsy or Fatigued Drivers Can Be Liable for Accidents
In Georgia, a driver can be liable for injuries or damage in a collision if that driver is negligent. If a motorist gets behind the wheel of a car when she or he is too drowsy to drive safely, this behavior can be negligent. Accordingly, a drowsy driver may be liable for injuries in a fatigued driving crash.
- Crash Avoidance Technology Can Help to Prevent Drowsy Driving Accidents
Certain types of new vehicle technology like lane departure warnings can help to prevent drowsy driving collisions, according to the NSC.
- Getting More Sleep is the Best Way to Prevent a Fatigued Driving Collision
While new technology can prevent some drowsy driving crashes, the best way to avoid an accident is to get enough sleep before driving. The NSC says that drivers should get at least 7 hours of sleep every night to drive safely and attentively.
- Drowsy Driving May Be As Dangerous As Drunk Driving
According to the National Sleep Foundation, drowsy driving may be just as dangerous as intoxicated driving. Indeed, as the National Sleep Foundation explains, “sleep deprivation can have similar effects on your body as drinking alcohol,” and “being awake for 18 hours straight makes you drive like you have had a blood alcohol level of .05.” In Georgia, as in other states, having a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or more is unlawful. The National Sleep Foundation further clarifies that, if you go for a full 24 hours without sleeping, including sleepless nights where you tried but just could not get to sleep, that sleeplessness is the equivalent of having a blood alcohol level of .10 or higher—well above the legal limit.
Contact a Marietta Car Crash Lawyer
If you or someone you love sustained injuries in a motor vehicle collision caused by a drowsy driver, you should speak with a Marietta car accident lawyer about your options for filing a claim. Contact The Strickland Firm today to speak with a personal injury attorney about your case.