What is a Line of Sight Accident?

When you are involved in a car accident caused by another party’s negligence, it is extremely important to learn about your options for filing a claim. One type of accident that may occur in or around Marietta is a line of sight accident. When these types of crashes occur, the at-fault driver may attempt to argue that the construction of the roads caused the line of sight accident, and as a result they are not liable for injuries that occurred. It is essential to keep in mind that, even in situations where drivers have difficulty seeing as a result of a line of sight problem, they have a duty to behave reasonably under those particular circumstances. Accordingly, if a driver does cause a collision in a line of sight accident, you should speak with a Marietta car accident lawyer about filing a claim for financial compensation.
What is a Line of Sight Accident?
A line of sight accident happens when a motorist cannot properly see an oncoming vehicle or a pedestrian, and a crash occurs as a result. Some aspects of line of sight accidents do concern the way a road way designed, or the way commercial or residential space was designed. For example, curbside parking space might have been established along a road that makes it difficult for drivers turning from side streets to see when an oncoming vehicle is approaching. Yet in these situations, the design is not usually the proximate, or immediate, cause of the collision. Instead, it is usually the driver’s negligence that is the immediate cause of the crash.
What are some common examples of line of sight accidents? For example:
- Driver goes too quickly up a hill without accounting for the possibility of stopped traffic beyond the line of sight as the hill starts to descend;
- Driver attempts to pull out onto a busy road from a side street where cars are parked along the curb in curbside parking, making it difficult to see oncoming traffic; and
- Motorist approaches a curve in the road ahead and cannot see oncoming traffic.
How Long Do I Have to File a Line of Sight Accident Claim?
Under Georgia law, most parties have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. The clock on the statute of limitations will start “ticking” on the date of your accident. Once the two-year clock runs out, you will not be able to file a lawsuit. To be sure, at that point, your claim will become time-barred under Georgia law. If you have questions, you should speak with an experienced Marietta auto accident lawyer.
Do not wait so long that you end up having a time-barred claim under Georgia law.
Contact a Marietta Car Accident Lawyer
If you were involved in a line of sight accident, you should get in touch with a Marietta car accident lawyer as soon as possible. You may be eligible to file a lawsuit. Contact The Strickland Firm for more information about filing a claim and to speak with an attorney at our firm.